Thursday, October 15, 2015

30 Day Challenge #1: Meditation (Day 2)

I know this is Day 2 and based on my Day 1 - I always set the timer to be 1 minute more than what it's supposed to be. So my meditation took three minutes today.

But something different today - meditating while standing up. I was definitely not comfortable at first but then I started noticing things about myself.

Posture. Symmetry. Weight bearing preference. Space.

I vaguely recognized how my entire back and shoulders are sort of dropping into a slouched position even while standing up - I can imagine it being worse when sitting down. This is something I'm not aware of and possibly a learned habit of mine already. Thinking back on meetings, patient care and conversations with team members - I was in this posture and who-knows-what kind of image I was projecting all this time. A projection of weakness, lack of self-confidence and maybe even incompetence. These may be a bit harsh descriptions but these are somewhat appropriate if I picture myself.

So I'm typing this while imagining somebody is pulling on my back and shoulders back and up.

I also feel my preference of putting all my weight onto my right side as well as how I have a more stable stance when dealing with right side resistance during exercise or any kind of movement (carries, jump, reach) which doesn't really feel natural to me, now that I've gained a little awareness.
I definitely need to do exercises that will encourage my left side to catch up and the same time keeping my right side from declining to compensate - but to continually progress while I work on my left side more.

Personal space is such an important aspect of pragmatic language and when interacting with other people. It signifies not just a defensive lining but also a measure of self-awareness. Being aware of your personal space helps you to increase your focus on your own movement and expressions - which in turn influence our communication with people we interact with.

Keep on planning and going,


Wednesday, October 14, 2015

30 Day Challenge #1: Meditation (Day 1)

I have to be honest. I want to do good in this challenge - and by good - I want to reward myself of the opportunity to say, "You went over and beyond to complete this 30 challenge, good going!". That's what I'm thinking right now.

So, what did I do today exactly?
I got my trusty old (digital) kitchen timer - set it to 2 minutes and focused on my breath.
I did this as soon as I got to work - and since I got here about nine minutes early - I had a couple of minutes to spare.

I set the time to 2 minutes. Closed my eyes. While sitting upright - I focused on my breath. I didn't bother to count how many breaths it would take to complete the two minutes. And when I opened my eyes and broke my concentration.


I completed the 30 Day Challenge #1: Meditation (Day 1) for 1 minute 41 seconds - that's a little over one minute but still.

Keep planning and going,


Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Welcome, Fellow Planners!

I'd like to welcome all of you to The Planner in Me. This is a virtual venue for covert and overt planners alike to express their joys, triumphs, frustrations and overall progress with their Planning.

Planning for what? You may ask. It is such a broad question and that is what makes this blog so much fun!

Are you planning for your first 30 day challenge? Good! I've made a plan like that. (1 mile a day for 30 days - boom!)
Are you planning for your Meal Prep Sunday - I'm with you on that. Chicken, veggies, hot sauce and salad in jars. Yum, right?
Are you planning for your exercise schedule for the week? Yeah! Wednesday is Deadlift Day for me.
Or are you planning for just your daily activities? your things to do or TTDs? your next big project?

Planning - in my opinion - is for everyone.
Everybody does it. To some degree.

Some make it as simple as using post its (it works!). Some have elaborate planners with (hand-made) stickers and (personalized) paper clips (awesome!).

Even if you have friends that say - Why bother? You won't be able to do all of the things you wrote down, anyways. But that's the point. I have friends who are immaculate planners and they stick to their schedules and lists to the dot. I'm happy if I get to plan and reflect on my day and then look forward to the next weekend, next month, tomorrow or even that late night movie with my girlfriend.

Black one is for work and SLP related.
Mercury drug notebook is for everything else.
Finances. Trips. Blogs.
Don't mind the weight/ body fat goal.

My point is - Planning is for everybody - and that is why, I'd like to invite all of you to get to know and grow with - The Planner in Me as well as The Planner in all of you.
